Lemtrans transports 63.7 million tonnes of cargo over a year


In 2015, Lemtrans increased the haulage by 13.1% or 7.4 million tonnes year on year to reach 63.7 million tonnes of various cargoes.

Coal is the company’s traditional cargo. The volume of coal shipments dropped insignificantly to 27.8 million tonnes (vs 30.5 million tonnes in 2014). Iron ore saw the biggest hike in haulage – a 86.2% increase to 22.5 million tonnes.

Lemtrans shipped 6.4 million tonnes of ferrous metals (a 28% growth vs 5 million tonnes in 2014). However, the company saw lower coke and flux transportation indicators year on year: 3.5 million tonnes of flux vs 5 million tonnes and 2 million tonnes of coke vs 2.7 million tonnes.

Lemtrans’ programme seeking to increase the car fleet drove the haulage growth. In 2015, the company bought 1,839 open cars.


Lemtrans is Ukraine’s biggest private freight forwarding company that offers the full gamut of rail freight transport services. The areas of main focus include freight forwarding services in inland and outland transportation market and rolling stock repairs. 

Lemtrans is wholly owned by SCM Group.

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